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Cat Grade with 3D for Motor Graders

Cat Grade with 3D for Motor Graders


Cat Grade with 3D for motor graders is a machine integrated grade control system that helps you get to grade faster with more accuracy, efficiency, and productivity. Automatic blade control reduces operator inputs and the number of passes to get the job done to save you time and money.

Benefits & Features


    • Get to design plan faster to save time and reduce the cost of rework, labor and materials. Use on all phases of the job in more applications, including bank slope, mixing materials, cutting passes, ditch building, back slope, and high bank.
    • No masts to interfere with your visibility or performance.
    • Cat Grade with 3D uses two GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers to automatically adjust blade movements as you follow the design.


    • Built-in and calibrated at the factory - components are integrated into the motor grader for optimal performance. The mastless system offers better moldboard visibility and movement.
    • GNSS receivers are integrated into the cab roof and front frame for better protection. There is nothing to remove at the end of the day.
    • The mastless integrated system arrives with minimal prep work, so you can get to work faster.


    • Dash display puts the design plan in front of the operator and operates like a smart phone.
    • Easily focus on the job at hand without worrying about constant grade checking. Grade control buttons are integrated into the joystick controls for seamless operation.
    • The 3D grade system uses machine integrated sensors, and the blade moves automatically to help keep your grade at the required level.

  February 4, 2025



Benefits & Features


    • Get to design plan faster to save time and reduce the cost of rework, labor and materials. Use on all phases of the job in more applications, including bank slope, mixing materials, cutting passes, ditch building, back slope, and high bank.
    • No masts to interfere with your visibility or performance.
    • Cat Grade with 3D uses two GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers to automatically adjust blade movements as you follow the design.


    • Built-in and calibrated at the factory - components are integrated into the motor grader for optimal performance. The mastless system offers better moldboard visibility and movement.
    • GNSS receivers are integrated into the cab roof and front frame for better protection. There is nothing to remove at the end of the day.
    • The mastless integrated system arrives with minimal prep work, so you can get to work faster.


    • Dash display puts the design plan in front of the operator and operates like a smart phone.
    • Easily focus on the job at hand without worrying about constant grade checking. Grade control buttons are integrated into the joystick controls for seamless operation.
    • The 3D grade system uses machine integrated sensors, and the blade moves automatically to help keep your grade at the required level.


    • With masts and cables removed, the potential for damage to nearby components is lowered to keep you attentive to the job.
    • E-Fence comes from the factory with Cat Grade with 3D. When activated, E-Fence prevents the moldboard from contacting the tires and ladder and stops the circle from potentially damaging the link bar.
    • E-Fence helps to protect the machine, so you can focus on the task at hand.

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