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B1 Moil

bcp_532-9151_b1 tool-moil


Cat® Hammer Tools designed for Cat Hammers are heat treated and matched to both hammer piston diameter and mass to deliver full blow energy.


Tool Shaft Diameter
Overall Length
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Benefits & Features

Moil Tool

General purpose tool where the point improves speed of penetration. For use on pavement, concrete, bed rock, hard rock and trenching.

Cone Tool

Multi-use tool that can make circle holes in soft material. The point improves speed of penetration but there is no control of fracture direction. For use on concrete, bed rock and hard rock.

Blunt Tool

Shatters with vibration instead of penetration. For use on concrete, bed rock, trenching, operating on slopes and cutting lines.

  October 10, 2024


Tool Shaft Diameter
Overall Length
Compatibility B1 Hammer

Benefits & Features

Moil Tool

General purpose tool where the point improves speed of penetration. For use on pavement, concrete, bed rock, hard rock and trenching.

Cone Tool

Multi-use tool that can make circle holes in soft material. The point improves speed of penetration but there is no control of fracture direction. For use on concrete, bed rock and hard rock.

Blunt Tool

Shatters with vibration instead of penetration. For use on concrete, bed rock, trenching, operating on slopes and cutting lines.

Chisel Tool (Cross Cut and Parallel)

Aids in creating and controlling an accurate fracture line. For use on pavement, concrete, bed rock, trenching, operating on slopes and cutting lines.

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